Existing, Inactive Summertime Members can change their plan type by logging in and going to the Members Portal from the main menu and clicking the blue Change Membership button on the portal page.

Active Summertime Members and Lifetime Members of any status cannot change their plan type via the website. Contact admin@westfieldpool.org for assistance. 

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Portal Page
Membership Lifetime# Summer*
Type: Lifetime Family Limited Student Senior
Member Status: Family**, Same Household, Dependent Children 22 years or younger Family** , Same Household, Dependent Children 22 years or younger Couple, Same Household, 18 years or older Student, Student ID, 10 years or older Senior, 65 years or older                      
Duration: Lifetime† Current Year Only Current Year Only Current Year Only Current Year Only
Total Cost: $2,500 $575 $300 $275 $125
Transferable: Yes
Guest Passes: 20
(1 Family)
10 5 0 0
Additional Guest Passes: $30
(5 punches)
(5 punches)
(5 punches)
(5 punches)
(5 punches)

†The current annual assessment for Lifetime members is $335 / year after the first year.

* Summer Memberships Purchases and Guest Passes are non-refundable.

**A family consists of head(s) of household, limited to two persons, and their dependent children who are 22 years or younger, dependent on the head of household for financial support. All dependents and heads of household must be living at the same residence.

Please note: Everyone will be able to purchase a 5-punch guest pass for $30.00. All guest passes expire at the end of the season.